Cooking for Life Personalised Learning

Life Skills + Healthy Eating

Cooking for Life Personalised Learning

Life Skills + Healthy Eating


Available as group or one-to-one workshops, for participants living in both in residential care housing or in the family home.

Tier 1: Cooking for Life Activity based - one to one or group

Activity styled cooking workshops that can be offered at day centre venues, community sites with appropriate kitchen facilities or another suitable site. The programmes are built to promote simple skills, enjoyment, socialisation, and the premise of healthy eating. These can be adapted for Participants or Staff. A perfect start for 1:1 classes, without the structure of a formal programme.

Tier 2: Programme Based Cooking for Life - One to One or Group

The Cooking for Life programme aims to create positive and sustainable change in areas of both psychosocial and physical health. Specifically, empowering participants with skills around food safety, food preparation, nutrition, healthy food choices, planning, and time management, in a safe and supported environment. Promoting healthy eating habits and teaching real-life skills that will develop greater independence and self-determination and improved health.

Education around nutrition and diet empowers individuals to make healthy choices that contribute to ongoing health, disease prevention and longevity, thus enabling each participant’s legal and human rights to be incorporated into everyday practice. 

Learning to cook Improves object and language skills, fine motor skills, sequencing, timing, and multi-tasking whilst building social participation and a friendship network.

Those attending the Cooking for Life Programme workshops will follow a plan that delivers sustainable change driven by goals such as: practical skills in cooking and the ability to choose healthy meal options.

Tier 3: Personalised, goals based, Cooking for Life programme: One-to-one

Those attending a Personalised, Goals Based Cooking for Life Programme will follow a plan that delivers sustainable change towards independence, driven by personal goals such as: practical skills in cooking, the ability to choose healthy meal options, confidence with shopping, meal planning, and budgeting.


Available as group or one-to-one workshops, for participants living in both in residential care housing or in the family home.

Tier 1: Cooking for Life Activity based - one to one or group

Activity styled cooking workshops that can be offered at day centre venues, community sites with appropriate kitchen facilities or another suitable site. The programmes are built to promote simple skills, enjoyment, socialisation, and the premise of healthy eating. These can be adapted for Participants or Staff. A perfect start for 1:1 classes, without the structure of a formal programme.

Tier 2: Programme Based Cooking for Life - One to One or Group

The Cooking for Life programme aims to create positive and sustainable change in areas of both psychosocial and physical health. Specifically, empowering participants with skills around food safety, food preparation, nutrition, healthy food choices, planning, and time management, in a safe and supported environment. Promoting healthy eating habits and teaching real-life skills that will develop greater independence and self-determination and improved health.

Education around nutrition and diet empowers individuals to make healthy choices that contribute to ongoing health, disease prevention and longevity, thus enabling each participant’s legal and human rights to be incorporated into everyday practice. 

Learning to cook Improves object and language skills, fine motor skills, sequencing, timing, and multi-tasking whilst building social participation and a friendship network.

Those attending the Cooking for Life Programme workshops will follow a plan that delivers sustainable change driven by goals such as: practical skills in cooking and the ability to choose healthy meal options.

Tier 3: Personalised, goals based, Cooking for Life programme: One-to-one

Those attending a Personalised, Goals Based Cooking for Life Programme will follow a plan that delivers sustainable change towards independence, driven by personal goals such as: practical skills in cooking, the ability to choose healthy meal options, confidence with shopping, meal planning, and budgeting.

Staff Workshops and Staff Refresher Workshops

Designed for disability support staff to build their skills and knowledge around healthy eating and to continue working with Support Workers who have previously participated in group workshops, to consolidate and build on skills and knowledge learned. Content may include-budgeting, menu planning, simple nutrient dense cooking.

Participant Follow Up Workshops

Designed to continue working with participants who have previously participated in a group workshop in a residential care home setting, to consolidate skills and confidence built from previous workshops

Day Centre Workshops

Activity styled cooking workshops that can be offered at current day centre venues, with programmes built to promote simple skills, enjoyment, socialisation and the premise of healthy eating. May be demonstration or hands on.

    Solutions By Design 

    • We are always looking for new ways to help solve your problems by, improving and updating our programs. Most of all we would love to work with you and design a program that suits your needs.
    • Join us in leading the way to provide a consistent approach to healthy eating for people with a disability, particularly those in shared living in group homes.
    • Let us help you find the skills you need for a healthy and longer life.

    Get in touch with us today and see if we have the answers that you’re looking for.

    Engage, Empower, Educate, And Support!

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